Meet the Team

Ashley Moses

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: My day to day life has changed a lot of the past few weeks of physical distancing! I do try to keep my schedule similar though, by waking-up, getting ready for the day, and beginning work by 7:30 a.m. I have found sticking to my morning routine is key when working from home.

Since my boyfriend is also working from home, he is using our office/guest room, and I’ve converted my kitchen table into my workspace for the time being (which is very interesting and has taken some time to get used to!).

After my workday, I try to tidy up my lovely kitchen table “work-space”, in attempt to separate my two worlds, work and home. I then like to get outdoors and go on either a walk or run, then come home and cook dinner. I like to round out my evening with reading or Netflix.

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute? What is your new morning and afternoon routine?

A: Morning:

I take my time getting ready for the day, instead of running out the door, which is a nice change. I like to sit down at my workspace, drink a smoothie, and enjoy a few minutes of quiet time planning out my day.


Instead of my 25-minute afternoon commute, I take this time to get outside and go for a walk/run. Getting out of the house and out into the fresh air after my workday has made working and living at home 24/7 a bit more bearable!

Q: Who are your coworkers?

A: My coffee cup!

Lydia Shackelford  

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: I have had to give myself and my family the benefit of the doubt and understand that we are all doing our best under these circumstances. I have a 4 year old and 9 month old daughter, whose typical childcare provider is closed during these times. While I am still able to work remotely, working from home with kids comes with a lot of challenges. Thankfully, my husband and I have been able to designate times of the day where I can work, while he watches the kids, and then when he has to leave for work (as an essential employee), I take over on childcare. After bedtime for my kids, I’ll work for a little while longer before unwinding, as best as I can.

We try to get outside everyday, when the weather permits, to go for walks or simply spend some time outdoors. In fact, we have burned through two bubble machines and are working on the third now.

I have found that trying my best to stick to a routine, while understanding everyday will have its own set of challenges, has helped me a lot.

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute? What is your new morning and afternoon routine?

A: I try to keep my morning the same as before, as much as possible, just without the need to travel into the office. On a good day, I wake up, workout, and get ready for the day before either of my kids wake up. And instead of having to drop them off at daycare and drive into the office, I use that time to have a cup of coffee and hang out with my kids before starting my work for the day.

On the other hand, my afternoon routine has changed quite a bit. Since my husband was able to flex his schedule to work in the afternoon and evening, I am in full-time parent mode in the afternoons, including when I would typically be heading home for the day. So, instead of commuting, I’m usually crafting with my 4 year old for my afternoon commute.

Q: Who are your new coworkers?

A: Besides my two daughters, my husband of almost six years and our 14 year old dog, who we have had since we rescued him as just a puppy, round out my “other living being” coworkers. I am also surrounded by endless stuffed animals, baby dolls, and Barbies throughout the day. I would say our “home office” is at max capacity!

Linsey Burch

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: Currently, my day to day consist working remotely, in home workouts, starting a new skin care routine, and connecting with friends and family through Facetime.

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute? What is your new morning and afternoon routine?

A: I’ve replaced my 45-minute commute by catching a few more z’s, crafting the perfect cup of coffee, and staying active. I enjoy working remotely from the comfort of my own home. It’s allowing me to rest and reset my mind.

 Q: Who are your new coworkers?

 A: The different coffee mugs I use daily!

Courtney Menjivar

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: Groundhogs Day!

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute? What is your new morning and afternoon routine?

A: Routine hasn’t changed much other than I walk to my basement rather jumping in my car … I do miss my audible books that kept me company during my ride in to the office in the morning. I do miss the sun as well! The basement can be awfully bland. Oh and did I mention I took on a second or perhaps third job … teacher to my 5 and 7 year olds!

Q: Who are your new coworkers?

A: You mean, my two new students … Thing 1 and Thing 2 in the famous words of Dr. Seuss!

Amy Brokaw

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: My work day hasn’t changed much. I’ve worked from home for years. The big difference is no lunch-time Pilates classes or trips to the gym and no evening in-person happy hours.

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute? What is your new morning and afternoon routine?

A: I’m typically in my home-office around 8am and stop working around 4pm. The biggest difference lately is that video chats have replaced conference calls. So I comb my hair now while walking to my desk.

Q: Who are your new coworkers?

A: I recently opened an annex in the tree outside my office window. It’s an open floor plan and stocked with snacks, which has attracted a talented menagerie of sparrows, mourning doves, magpies, crows and squirrels. My long-term team, Daisy the Boxer and Luna the Husky, are still with me. Their attendance has been stellar.

Justin Schor

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: Although I’m sleeping in a little later because I don’t have to commute, I’m trying to keep my routine of exercising in the morning before I start work. When I’m not having lunch time Zoom calls, I’m now enjoying brief lunch engagements with my family that I wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to do if at the office.

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute?

A: More sleep and a less hectic morning.  What is your new morning and afternoon routine? I drink one cup of Roma Nespresso and one cup of decaffeinated Ristretto Nespresso before 9:30 am every morning.  I used to just drink one cup of French Roast K-Cups at the office.

Q: Who are your new coworkers?

A: In addition to the Nespresso machine that is next to the kitchen table where I’ve set up my office, my new co-workers include the voices of numerous high school juniors and teachers on my daughter’s Zoom classroom calls in the room next door.

Camille Galdes

Q: What does your day to day look like under the Stay at Home orders and physical distancing?

A: I’m at home with two little ones whose preschool is closed: a 20 month old (Mark) and a 4 year old (Luke). We are playing “school” as much as possible—my 4 year old is wearing his school’s uniform shirts and mimicking his school schedule–while the younger one is running around and becoming more rambunctious with each passing day. So I’m part-teacher, part-mom, and part-researcher throughout the day (hint, hint: I get most of my work done at night). My husband is also working from home and we try to work around each other’s meetings. Luckily my 4 year old picked up an obsession with space just before the crisis, so we stocked up on space-themed puzzles and toys and have been slowly doling them out these past few weeks.

Q: How have you replaced your typical commute? What is your new morning and afternoon routine?

A: I actually worked from home on a regular basis prior to this crisis (without kids around) so luckily I’m used to that component of things and have a work space all set up. My husband’s commute has changed the most–he used to be out of the house very early ate breakfast at work, so one benefit of this situation is that we are actually able to have coffee together in the morning. In the afternoon, we spend way more time in the yard than we used to—thank goodness for the spring weather because it really helps combat the stir-craziness to see flowers blooming and birds flitting between the trees. We actually saw a bunny on Easter!

Q: Who are your new coworkers?

A: My new coworkers include 
1. Senior Household Advisor (Chloe, our 12 year old English Bulldog)
2. Chief Scientific Officer (Luke)
3. Potty-Trainer-In-Chief (Mark)

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